Please note that only verified users can buy Bitcoin on our exchange. Kindly verify your identity before you proceed. Only payments from your verified mobile number will be accepted!
Exchange rate: 1023988.5895 GHS = 1 BTC

min.: 300 GHS, max.: 5000 GHS

max.: 5000 GHS

max.: 0.794249 BTC

max.: 0.794249 BTC
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Buy Bitcoin BTC with Vodafone Cash (GHS) in Ghana

Buy Bitcoin with VODAFONE CASH following these steps:

  1. Fill in all the fields of the form. Click «Exchange» to submit.
  2. Read and accept the terms and conditions of our exchange. Please tick the appropriate checkbox to accept and click «Create order».
  3. Make payment. To do this, transfer the necessary amount, following the instructions on HOW TO MAKE PAYMENT.
  4. Click «PAID» to mark your order as paid and notify our operator. You will be redirected to the order status page where you can see the real time status of your order.
  5. Note: This operation is done manually by our agent. Please allow up to 30 minutes for payment confirmation and transfer of Bitcoin.