
Note: This transaction is performed manually by an operator and takes 5 to 30 minutes during working hours (daily from 7:00 am to 12:00 am GMT).
All payments on orders are made after receiving 2 confirmations from the Bitcoin network

Exchange rate: 1 BTC = 1000173.8817 GHS

min.: 0.001 BTC, max.: 0.5 BTC

max.: 0.5 BTC

min.: 50 GHS, max.: 71297.413 GHS

max.: 71297.413 GHS
Personal data

Enter your name as in passport

Enter your e-mail

Sell Bitcoin BTC for MTN Mobile Money (GHS) in Ghana

Sell Bitcoin BTC for MTN Mobile Money in Ghana following these steps:

  1. Fill in all the fields of the form. Click «Exchange» to submit.
  2. Read and accept the terms and conditions for trading on our exchange. Please tick the appropriate checkbox to accept and click «Create order».
  3. Make payment. To do this, transfer the necessary amount of Bitcoin to the specified wallet, following the instructions on HOW TO MAKE PAYMENT.
  4. You will be redirected to the order status page where you can see the status of your order.